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Caring for Elders at Home – How to Keep Them Happy and Healthy

Where would we be without our parents? Not here, that’s for sure! They brought us into this world, raised us, took care of us to the best of their ability and provided us with all we ever needed and more. But as life goes on, our parents grow older and need us to care for them like they did us.

If you have kids of your own, you’ve probably got more than enough experience under your belt where caring for a family is concerned; however, caring for elderly people is entirely different.  They have different needs which must be dealt with appropriately.

It’s not easy on them to be forced to slow down because of their age; that’s why it’s important to know how to handle delicate situations and care for your elderly loved ones the right way.

  1. Spend More Time with Them

Now that they’re living rather slow-paced lives with a lot of free time on their hands, your time with them is more valuable than ever. Keep them in the loop by talking about your day, current affairs and get them up to speed with what’s going with other family members or relatives. You could also take a walk down memory lane with them by looking at photo albums and reminiscing about days gone by.

  1. Encourage Hobbies

No matter what they are, even if you don’t approve of them, allow your elders to go forward with their hobbies. Obviously, it’s something that brings them joy and satisfaction and that’s truly what matters. It’s also a great way for them to pass time when you’re busy attending to other responsibilities. If they enjoy a game of cards or a board game, you could set aside a time or day for that as well.

  1. Be Patient and Considerate of Their Feelings

Elders tend to have mood swings more often; they get frustrated and upset over small things so it’s important to be patient with them. Show compassion towards their feelings and help them through whatever emotions they’re dealing with. As we age, the support of our loved ones is imperative.

  1. Make Sure You Have Medicines in Stock

Keep a regular check on meds to ensure that they don’t miss a dosage of their daily medication. Also, keep other common meds in stock (not just for them, but for the rest of the family as well). Apart from this, take them for regular health checkups to ensure that they are not just keeping well on the outside, but on the inside as well.

  1. Take Them on Outings as Often as Possible

Don’t let them stay cooped up in the house all the time. It’s important that they remain active even if it means going for a daily evening walk. There are plenty of things to do around Lapeer County, be it an outdoor event at Hunters Creek, a stroll through the park or a nice meal at one of the family-friendly eateries. Occasionally, they may even enjoy an evening of music and entertainment at Pix Arts Counsel. As long as they’re happy and healthy, you’re doing everything right!

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